Monday, April 27, 2009

Assessment Questions

Here's my questions for this week:

1.) Laffey, Lin and Lin discuss the term "social capital" being a "construct of social unitis, which facilitates collective action. How can we assess these actions?

2.) Ke and Hoadley discuss the differing types of online learning communities. How does the diversity in types of learning communities impact the evaluation of those online interactions?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Health & Support Groups

I found the articles this week interesting. Here's my questions:

1.) How can we ensure the quality of information in social networking?

2.) How can we encourage physicians, specialists and researchers into these pre-existing support groups to allow for quality of information?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wk11 - Social Presence

Here's some of my questions for social presence:

1. Gunawardena (1995) concludes that “social presence [can be] a potentially significant factor in improving instructional effectiveness in both traditional and communications technology mediated distance classes” (p. 164). How can this be applied to online classes that have limited avenues for social presence such as blackboard?

2. How does social presence influence classroom behavior online? Do people’s personalities show themselves online?

Fictional Narrative!

Here's the link to my fictional narrative:

Fictional Narrative